Snapask Reveals the Future of Education By Building a Metaverse of “Planet of the Plants”

Snapask, the Hong Kong-based one-stop online learning platform launched the “Planet of the Plants” project, an Ethereum-based Metaverse with NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) to reveal their vision for the future. The first 10 plant-themed NFTs are released today at 02:02 am (GMT) and each NFT is a rare species of plants such as pachypodium and agave. The “Planet of the Plants” Metaverse comes with different interactive zones such as incubation labs and planting areas. Designed to engage both plant owners and players, it allows them to not only grow plants, but also gain rewards.

The “Planet of the Plants” Metaverse reveals a future of human civilization in which our minds and souls are united as one. We are about to enter a new world where education is no longer bounded by means, locations, languages or time. We believe that technology will soon advance to a level that we can choose to live in a virtual world by simply connecting ourselves to the “Neuralnet”, a virtual space where individual minds become one. Once we are on the Neuralnet, we would have access to all kinds of information and knowledge in a snap, and without barriers.

“Transformation in education is no longer about the skills and knowledge we need to learn, but the ways we acquire knowledge. Every plant in the Metaverse resembles a piece of knowledge and it becomes a new means for us to bring our knowledge, cultures, history and memories to the future. Snapask is leading the world to move towards the future of education.” Mr. Timothy Yu, Founder and CEO of Snapask.

“Planet of the Plants” is an Etherum-based virtual game, in which players can perform various tasks in exchange for nutrients to grow the plants in the virtual world. The first chapter introduced the background story and the relationship between the main character and plants. NFT minting and gaming mechanisms will be announced on the project website in the coming stage.

About Planet of the Plants (POTP)

Developed by Snapask, “Planet of the Plants” is an Etherum-based virtual game that reveals the future of education. Players can perform various tasks in exchange for nutrients to grow the plants in the virtual world. With an immense worldview where education is no longer bounded by physical means, Planet of the Plants hopes to reveal human civilisation and foster a community that grows and benefits from the new means of knowledge transferral.